My whole life is a lie. From magic to acting I never see the truth. In this blog I will seek and share the truths I know.

Can We De-Evolve? or "How I Forgot to Remember and Learned to Love the Gas Prices"

Conspiracy theorists, and fringe science aficionados will tell you that "Yes", it is possible to De-Evolve. They are not contending that we are going backwards toward Homo Erectus (hahaha gotta love that name!) But rather that we can evolve backwards technologically speaking. [*Note1*]

These ideas are usually supported by such evidence as the Baghdad Battery, the Antikythera Device, or the Piri Reis Map. Here is a link to a video detailing all 3! Their is other evidence to support the idea that humans of long ago had access to technology that would be considered far to advanced for the time period. Ancient Chinese, Mayan, and Hindu texts all talk of using rockets to get into space. Even the Bible, has something called Ezekiels Chariot or Ezekiels Wheels. Which upon reading in modern contexts, reads exactly like a rocket ship landing!

But if the ancients had access to this technology, where did it go? Why did we de-evolve so to speak and forget it? And if this de-evolution did take place, is it still? Is their a modern equivalent? Oddly, I think their is...

I turned 16 in 1988. Gas in my town was at 90Cents a gallon. I could get about 5.5 gallons of gas on a single $5 bill. My car, with its bad CV joints, oil burning engine, was a 5 speed, 4dr, hatchback. It was silver and ran like crap, but it ran and never failed me. That car was made in 1979 by Datsun. Yet even though it looked horrible and ran just as bad, it still managed to get almost 45 miles to the gallon! For those doing the math, that's 225miles!  So for a kid with $5 in his pocket, I could drive to school and back for a week, and still have enough gas to drive my friends to the beach on the weekends. Remember this car was made in '79!
The world was coming out of the pseudo gas crisis of the 70's. So emphasis was put on smaller cars, that did better on gas. Plus it was the start of the Japanese imports vs. American Muscle cars rivalry. And the American side was losing. By the time I graduated high school, Honda had a commercial detailing what it called "The Most Fuel Efficient Car In The World". It was a Honda Civic and would get over 60mpg! So for $5 I could go 300miles!

Then something happened in the 90's. Cars manufacturers touted luxury and roominess and got people to buy bigger cars. Gas had risen to about a dollar a gallon and it seemed ok to buy big cars. You could fill one up for less than $20. Even though it didn't get good gas mileage, somehow we didn't seem to care. So people hopped on the SUV bandwagon and started using more gas than ever before.

Now that gas prices have risen to $4 a gallon or more we are being more conservative and looking at smaller more fuel efficient cars. Todays big push is Hybrid, gas/electric cars. The auto manufacturers say these cars get 40mpg! Indeed I typed 'hybrid car gas mileage' into Google and the first thing in the list is for Ford Fusion Hybrid boasting 41mpg and 700 miles on a single tank! Seems impressive. But I call BullSh!t My 1979 Datsun did that. and it was a regular eco killing, smog producing, gas engine. Same with the late 80's Honda Civic that boasted 60mpg. I don't understand how this hybrid car is a step forward? It seems that as far as cars go, we HAVE DE-EVOLVED.

If my 1979 Datsun could get 45mpg, and the Honda Civic 60mpg, why can't todays cars reach 75, 80, or heck 90mpg? As it stands right now, comparing gas mpg to gas mpg, I would be better off driving my '79 Datsun vs  a brand new 2011 Ford Fusion. That's de-evolution at its finest.

I am not sure if the ancients had technology that got them into orbit, or if they had electricity and somehow this was all lost and had to be rediscovered during the industrial revolution over a thousand years later. But it certainly seems possible. After all, in less than 25 years, we seem to have lost the ability to make a more fuel efficient car.

*Note1* I was doing a photo shoot for Magic Magazine with Harry Anderson of Night Court fame. We were doing some spoof photos of a long ago mentalist name Ted Annemann. One of the photos had me in the shower drinking Bay Rum Cologne. Ted was a notorious alcoholic. So I had to take off my shirt and wear a pair of shorts it the shower. I am a very hairy person. And Harry quipped "Its nice to see someone fight for something. I just don't know why you are fighting evolution" hahaha nice one.


ChadSanborn said...

some of the words are links in this blog. Not sure why they are not underlined and or displayed in blue to let you know they are clickable. Now its like a fun scavenger hunt to find the clickable words to take you to external links for further info. Have fun and happy clicking!

Unknown said...

Great insight, Chad! My dad was a "shade tree mechanic" and always worked on our vehicles. He used to say that almost any item [car part] could be made to last indefinitely but that if they did so, it would eliminate jobs and not benefit the economy in that sense. He said manufacturers determine "warranty periods" based on about how long item will last since items are made to last just past the warranty period. When I was 16...gas was $.17 a gallon for my 1965 red mustang fastback. Maybe those WERE the "good old days"?!?

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