Well here we are at the ol' blog again. I am typing this in Notepad on my PC because I can't get my phone online to type from the Blogger app.
"why can't you get your phone online?"
I am glad you asked. The answer is, I don't know for sure. But rest assured Verizon claims to be working on it for me. I say its because they are 'throttling' my unlimited usage. (see yesterdays blog) They claim they don't throttle they make Network Adjustments or some such nonsense. When asked
what that is, they say they slow down your data stream so as not to bog down the network. Well if you look up throttling, its defined as, slowing down
the data stream so as not to bog down the network. Semantics. Potato, Tomato. I don't care if you call it poop or turds, they are the same thing and they both stink!
Speaking of Verizon, here is another little bit of semantics and how 'Big Red' is making all the rules in their favor. My phone got an automatic software update yesterday. Now I have some shiney new apps sent to me by Verizon. Apps I didn't need or want and cannot delete all on a phone I own. (see note#1)
Now one of these apps is called "APPS". Clever name. Its a gray icon with a little shopping cart that has a Verizon logo in the basket. (Awww how cute!)
This app takes you to Verizons own app store! So I laugh to myself and wonder what could they be offering. So I open the app and a logo comes up for 'V-Cast Apps' then takes me to another screen. Its gray with white writing. Let me give you one of the hilights it says:
"TRUST -- Every app is screened to ensure they work with your device and have no viruses. Control options can block innapropriate content for children."
(Reread that statement again, because it will be important in a minute.)
Below that is button that says 'continue' so I click it and...Up pops the dreaded TERMS AND CONDITIONS!!!
No one ever reads them, but since Verizon has been on my pooplist, or should I call it 'throttlinglist' I decide I should give it the once over. It starts with the usual stuff, "some apps are free, some are offered at a fee" yadda yadda yadda and them BAM! There it is all the way down at the bottom in glorious gray and white. Let me type it our for you so you can enjoy it too:
"You agree that the download and use of Apps is at your own risk.Verizon cannot ensure that any Apps, or the content delivered through Apps, will be free from viruses or contamination or harful features."
WHAT THE? Did you just do a double take like I did? Go back and read the "TRUST" statement and then read the T&C statement. One says to TRUST that they have screened every app and have no viruses, then contradict themselves by saying some might have viruses and they aren't responsible. Ha! What happened to 'TRUST'? Well I am glad I didn't TRUST them.
To me this is a GREAT example of the deceptive business and advertising practices that are used by many companies around today.
Shame on you Verizon, SHAME.ON.YOU
#Note 1 -- verizons update added apps to my phone (my personal property) which cannot be deleted. They are permanent alterations. I hate this as its not their property to make changes to. I own the phone not them. Verizon says they can do it since i connect to their network. Thats like the government telling you that you could only use a certain tire to ride on the highway they jyst paved. Or a radio station downloading new presets to your stereo everytime you listen to them. Its absolutely crazy what tgey get away with. I think its mostly becayse people dont understand what they are signing or how negatively it affects them.
Smarten up yinz/y'all !!!
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